
The honeymoon is over!

​Well the honeymoon is well and truly over. Working at such pace to achieve our action areas of the community nursing plan before the end of the month. I’m working in the last 20 days of this amazing fellowship-building networks and systems with the other fellows . Their action areas all equally important - health economics, population health management, integration, celebrating community nursing , research and mine and my buddy Helen’s area of driving digital and data.  DATA … this really has been a challenge, trying to gather the community service data set intelligence, understanding where and what we do with it. My experience of secondary care data sets seem clear, with fast turn around of inputs and outputs compared to the difficulty in so many different systems gathering this information, the difficulty in intraoprability. Work to be done and is being done around this but definitely “doable”.  The conversations are flowing with leads in NHS digital boards and steering groups suppo

All the fellows together now

​ January has flown by like Storm Dudley.  I am now  found my feet  and my “buddy”  Helen  has also started her secondment, working with me two days a week.    We have a weekly meeting with our mentor and lead Julie  Clennell  – Region Chief nurse. Steering up in supporting the objectives that we have for the regional work and influencing how we may look at things differently.  Having that support is making the transition from acute clinical work to national strategic work much easier – compassionate  leadership .     Meeting so many people  and learning about  some many outstanding pieces of  work  -   “What good looks like”  digital work  . The Aging well work in the Yorkshire and North East  region  which   is amazing and the safe staffing work that has involved some 55,000 people.  Some early work which  I really have been  identify a gap and then support  and shape has been the delegation of insulin administration. This work has been developed from the national voluntary framework

100 Day Challenge

 Back at the beginning of December 2021 I was successful in being selected for a short secondment to NHS England as a Community Nurse Fellow in Sam Sherrington’s team. My action area of the community nursing plan is to drive the use of digital and data within community nursing. My first day in this new and exciting role - along with 3 other fellows who were able to start on the same day was a MSTeams meeting with Ruth May! Along with 100 + other staff we were told that we were in level 4  and needed to “ go help with the vaccination program”. Having just supported this service over the past 12 months in my usual place of work, I thought  “ I’ve only just finished this”- personally having given more than 5,000 vaccinations in our service  one of my roles was clinically supporting the development of the vaccination team along with our chief pharmacist and service manager. A little disappointed that this would mean less time in the secondment, but obviously was the right thing to do, I pu